NAME Lucian Christopher Pierce OCCUPATION Mechanic
NICKNAME(S) Luke PARENTS Rebecca (Hill) and Anton Pierce
MC Midland Reapers Patch SIBLINGS Pryor (-4 years), Aleta (-7 years), Trina (-8 years)

HEIGHT 6'0" HAIR Brown, worn short
BUILD Muscular EYES Blue

PERSONALITY ESTP personality type.

Luke is bold and full of life and energy. He likes to push boundaries and discover new things. He tends to be more rational than emotional. He is very detail oriented. He does well speaking with people who have a point, as arbitrary discussions tend to drive him crazy, and he can talk forever with someone who has something to say. He is often seen as highly perceptive, and he can use that to create connections with other people fairly easily. He is direct, detesting mind games, and he strives for facts to back up his position on things. He is a natural leader, though he doesn't technically seek to BE a leader. He has good networking skills and tends to be very good at social interactions.

Luke tends to err on the side of insensitivity. Emotions are seen as oftentimes unrealistic, or uncomfortable for him. He has a hard time expressing his feelings, especially in emotionally charged moments. He tends to be impatient and it drives him crazy to have to dumb things down for people who just don't understand things. He tends to take big risks, though the desire to do so can be curbed by pointing out why doing whatever it is he's thinking of is a bad choice. Logic will always rule the day. He tends to be defiant (though jail did help to break him of SOME of that), and he's terrible at following rules when he feels they make no sense.

believes almost all religions are cults, believes in ghosts, carries a lucky penny with him nearly everywhere (in his wallet), sometimes counts his steps to calm his mind, eats extremely quickly, generally sleeps less than 5 hours a night, has been known to sleep-walk when extremely stressed
Speaks English, Spanish, German, and Latin.

Can easily work on any moving vehicle, including cars, trucks, semis, and motorcycles.

Extremely good when fighting fisticuffs. Carries knives and brass knuckles frequently.

Family and family. He's loyal to a goddamn fault.

Leadership, loyalty, verbal communication, listening skills, problem solving, persuasion.

HISTORY At sixteen years old, Rebecca Hill wanted nothing to do with Anton Pierce, no matter how adorable she found him. It wasn't his cocky attitude, though that didn't help much. It wasn't his smirks that tended to disarm her in a heartbeat (in fact, that drew her to him ridiculously, but she'd never admit it). No, instead it was that he chose to do things she considered dangerous, and she had no desire to watch him crash and burn. Probably literally. He would ride his bike up to her on the street and stop, letting the engine purr at her, and flirt terribly, and she'd roll her eyes and walk away from him, where he couldn't take his bike at all. Eventually, he started turning off the bike and following her around like a lost puppy, and then came the day he promised her he'd quit riding (at least for a while), if she gave him a chance. "But I promise, Becca, one day I'm gonna get you on it, and you're gonna ride with me. You'll love it." Then he gave her one of those smirks, and she agreed. Damn him, anyway.

Two years later, she and Anton walked down the aisle of her parents' church, the bike waiting outside for the two of them. Becca wore a white lace dress, carried a bouquet of bluebells and roses, and threw up in the bathroom four times before the wedding even got started. Her Momma asked her three questions. Are you okay? Do you really want to do this? and Are you pregnant?. The answer to all three was yes. She and Anton said their I Do's and rode off into the sunset (at least, to the reception, which was down the road just a bit). At the end of the night, the party broke up, but Anton and his motorcycle friends moved the party to the hotel, where the celebration lasted until dawn. Becca fell asleep on the bed as the guys drank and the next morning she woke up in a room filled with tough guys she knew she could trust to make for sure she was safe, no matter what happened.

Lucian Christopher was born on August 15, 1985 at home. It's now how Becca meant for it to go, but she waited way too long to say she needed to go to the hospital, and the next thing she knew it was too late to go anywhere. Of course, once the baby was born, Anton took her his little family straight to the hospital, but the story of Lucian's birth became something of a legend. Any time Becca asked for anything, Anton jumped to, 'just in case'. "It's not like another one is going to pop out without any kind of prior knowledge, Anton!" she would say, and though he knew it was true, that didn't stop him from worrying a bit.

Lucian was the kind of baby that cried in big, loud, shrieking cries. Ear-splitting and panic-making. And though he found words at a normal age, the shrieking didn't stop. He liked watching people run to make him happy. But even for all of that, he wasn't spoiled. Sometimes a touch manipulative, even as a toddler, but not spoiled. And it wasn't until he was three that his parents even thought to try to train him out of it, and that was because Becca was pregnant with their second child, and the idea of two shrieking entities in one house was almost unbearable. Though Lucian was told over and over again that there would be a new baby, he didn't really take that knowledge in until Pryor was born, and then he watched his new brother with wide eyes. "I don't yike him," he was fond of saying. He especially didn't like that Pryor cried, as all babies do. "He's youd," he'd say, plugging his ears and wincing. His parents simply laughed and told him that his own screams had been ten times worse. Which ended that, full-stop.

Lucian was happy to go to school, and he made friends fairly easily. He did have problems with authority, even from a very young age. His teachers would tell him to do something (sit down, stay quiet, read his book), and he would demand to know why, never just accepting it as word of law. There were numerous meetings about it, and several groundings, three paddlings, and seven instances of in school suspension before he learned to just do what was expected. That didn't mean he wasn't yelling about it in his own head, and doing anything he could to sidestep the rules as much as humanly possible.

From the time he was 12, Lucian was learning from his father how to work on motorcycles. Anton took him into the shop every evening, and the two of them would work side-by-side on any repairs the bike needed. When there was nothing left to do on it, Anton bought a torn up Yamaha and told Lucian to get to work. It took him three years to get done with the bike to his own satisfaction, and another year to convince his Mom that he wasn't going to kill himself the second he got on it. Once that was done, he started riding. His mom made him contact her as soon as he was off the bike no matter where he was riding to, and he followed through, if only so he got permission to keep riding. After the Yamaha was old hat, he moved on to a 1970 Indian.

His high school had a practical mechanics class, and it seemed like a way to get an easy A, but he found himself floundering far more than he thought he would. The first year, he barely scraped by with a passing grade, and when the next year came around, he focused as much as possible. Once he got himself focused and trying hard, he realized he had a knack. Things fell into place, and by the end of the year, he had a part-time job at a local mechanic shop. Though he was mostly the sweep-up boy, he would occasionally help out with oil changes, tune-ups, and minor repair work. He continued on that way until after graduation, when his boss hired him as an actual mechanic. He drove his bike in to work every day, and worked his ass off, then drove home at night. He figured he'd continue on that way forever, with the occasional relationship to break up the monotony.

And that may well have been the way it was, but there's always a girl to change things up. [GIRL] was his. When he was a prospect in the Reapers, he met her, and the two of them got along like a wildfire. Just as hot, and just as destructive. The two of them loved and fought and there were plenty of days he figured they'd never make it. They almost got married twice, but life has a way of knocking you down sometimes, and it seems like it loves nothing more than kicking you in the teeth while you're already flat. He was 26 when they broke up for good, and it was with a sense of relief that he moved on with his life. The relationship was over, but so was the drama. And neither of them hated each other at the end of it, which was the kind of bonus you don't always get.

At 26, free of responsibilities to women and maybe a touch stupid, he started spiraling. He found the bottom of bottles quicker than hell, and he went from normal smoking to chain smoking pack after pack of cigarettes. The next year, he found himself volunteering to help out with everything he could in the Reapers, who he was a full-patch member of. One night, in what should have been a quick and easy smash and grab, he found himself in the back of a cop car after spilling his bike hardcore as the group of them was riding away. It was sheer luck that he didn't kill himself as he wound up pinned under the bike for several minutes. But he took it as a matter of pride that he was the only one caught.

He did five years on a five-to-ten, playing the model prisoner so he could get out and back home. He was let out in February, and since then he's been doing his best to at least appear to be on the up-and-up. He knows he's more than likely on the cops' radar for a while, so he's keeping a low profile for now. How long that will last is anyone's guess. The past drags you back sometimes, and he's never been one to deny the call.
  • RANDOM FACT. SOME DETAILS. Copy/paste as necessary.
WANTED LINES Pryor Pierce OPEN / His 28 year old brotherThe two of them have been close over the years, but had a falling out when Luke went to prison.

Aleta Pierce OPEN / His 25 year old sisterHe'd never tell anyone, but Ale is his favorite. He'd protect her with his life, and may have done so once or twice in her teen years.

Trina Pierce OPEN / His 24 year old sisterThe baby of the family. He's never been that close to her, but he'd still walk through fire for her if she needed him to.

Kelly / CST / ooc: superawkwardkelly / cdj: superawkward / Sebastian Stan / IHEARTUNICORNS